Evil in This World

Some have asked me, ‘Why is there so much more evil in the world then I have ever seen before?’ There has always been evil. Sometimes evil is louder, so it seems like those that follow that path are more. There are more good people then evil in the world. In this world of instant media, we see more evil often, and people capitalize on it. Some call it trolling when someone starts hate, and other follow the vicious and callous behavior. I look at hate as a lower form of Spirituality and humanity. I look at evil in a lesser life form. Mother Earth and the Cosmos/Spirit world, are changing and its life form. The Evil will show it worst and come to its peak. Many are very sick and are in pain. Not knowing this is not what we are meant for. We are meant for love, kindness, kinship, support of each other. We are all on this Earth to become better then we are for the present. The Evil movement is strong, but Love is stronger, choose love. Do not forget to have compassion for those who are struggling. As you see a brother or sister down on their luck or their life; don’t kick them while they are down. Lift they up in love. We all have our down times. It is a loving thing to do when you lift someone one up. I try to raise someone up daily. I have been lifting up for so long as a daily thing to do, love has become a significant part of who I am. I have my failings, but my passion for mankind shines brighter each and every day. I try to touch and lift up to many, many along my path of life. As this year ends and the next year starts, remember to love thy neighbor, friend, stranger, family and anyone else you may encounter. Make your life the best you can be each and every day. Make that choice to be more love and wipe out any hate you may have in your heart. Blessing to you all my Loves. Mitzi Beliveau

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