Jobs and Machines

By Mitzi Beliveau

I have to say, I hate that machines have started to take over jobs. Some say no one wants these jobs. Most are part-time with low wages. Remember when we had people yelling at cashiers, hitting them, etc.

Now, we pay for other people’s stupidity and anger issues. I am talking about the scanning checkout machines that are popping up everywhere. I have read the advice of many lawyers who say don’t use them. If you forget to ring something up, you could go to jail. I also had problems with the scanning machines locking up my debit and credit cards where I could not use them.

Of course, stores say, people are walking off with stuff and not scanning or scamming them at the scan-and-go AI checkouts. We have several problems here. Companies wanted big profits and were already downsizing staff; people are frightened to take these jobs, and the pay is low with no benefits. Some people are still yelling at retail staff. Retail staff got hurt, and companies had to pay their staff when they got hurt.

So the companies decided the machines would cut their cost. Stores also started charging more to pay for the scan-as-you-go. Order less because of transportation issues. Yes, some AI technology replaces real people in transportation ordering and scheduling. The cost of AI made some of the goods we buy go up, plus companies want to make more profit and blame others for the price.

I see many have significant gains but say they don’t have money. Hmmm. That does not make sense to me. Other than that, profit share-holders are making money off us. Back to me, I hate the AI scan-as-you-go thing. It’s not going away; people are losing income because of corporate greed and a few bad apples that can’t control their anger.

I will shop mostly where people work and can ask questions, say hi, and be neighborly. But who am I? I am just an elderly woman who remembers why humans are best when checking out. It’s their faces, smiles, or even a cry. I love the human touch of retail shopping.

My choice while they are still here is that I’m shopping where the check-outs are by humans. I don’t mind the wait. See you at the human checkout service, my friend.

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