AI Is It Really Good For Humanity In The Work Place?

By Mitzi Beliveau

More big businesses are using AI for hiring, training, and managing. I believe it is missing the mark on humanity and its toll on society as a whole. This story talks about AI looking for complying personnel. Not creative, not experienced, not wise, educated, or intellectual. Big business complains about open jobs but takes the humanity out of hiring.

After reading a story about a man trying to get a dishwashing job at his local restaurant, Olive Garden, he encountered something that is now required at some big businesses. A blue avitar test about your personality: big companies are saying they are low on finding good employees or low on staff. Employees are looking for good wages and benefits. I believe big business has taken out the human evaluations. Big companies are looking for the wrong answer to all their problems. They want someone to comply with their company. Yes, they are looking for the “yes person.”

Big companies are looking to AI for some of their problems, from hiring to management to statistics. As we all know, AI is only as good as the programmer who programmed it. In my opinion, AI does not factor in the human equation.

As I listen to both sides, I see the employer and employee. Both have wants and needs; some are met, and others are not. But factor in AI, the all-new wonder for businesses, is it working all that well?

Employers said they could not find help. Potential employees say I can’t find a job that will hire me with good wages and benefits, and then add on this new extended AI test. It looks like a game. I have to interject here, saying it must have been a gamer who programmed this software/test. I’m not a gamer and would not find it amusing or entertaining to have an avatar game to test my compliance for a job. I could understand if it was a test to see what my abilities for the job skills they needed. No, as the link to this story said, they rely on AI to choose someone who does not rock the boat.

As AI is used more in big companies, once the employee is hired, they look to AI to see how long AI standards should do a job—of course, not factoring in all aspects of a job like customers that show up that want the employee’s attention, a job sale during the work, etc. Only how long does it take to make or fix something? If AI had input from employees on the workplace’s requirements, would the AI be a good fit for managers and executives, and owners truly know what will take time for their product to make, sell, fix, etc? Businesses are looking to AI for analysis to determine if their employees are working hard enough. Or fast enough. I have heard horror stories of employees and lower management saying that they don’t understand how complicated the complete job is. We deal with our customers as well as fixing things. AI does not account for that. So managers are told to get their workers to work harder and faster because AI says they are not on time.

I have seen and heard of people quitting because of the stress upper level management and owners rely on AI instead of lower management advice on what is truly going on in the workplace. AI is always right! No, maybe the voices of humans should be factor in. I see in the future this will happen. Till then, employees will be quitting, jobs will be open and until someone looks at the whole mess AI in in control. 

Below is a link about one story. Tell me if you have had problem with AI as an employee or employer. Share your story.–34khswxCzTF1Kl72fT_LKP1tH9jB0

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